Category: Uncategorized

Coming soon: New website at

The website you are currently on is no longer maintained. The ACAWAI-CS project new website to provide full and open access to all the data collected on ancient Western Asian seals and sealings. It will become available and fully searchable at The virtual research environment WissKI forms its digital infrastructure.

1 2 Hello Berlin!

The ACAWAI-CS project moved yet another time: In October 2022, we joined the Freie Universität Berlin, Fachbereich für Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie. Nice 🙂

1 2 Colloquium Digital Cultural Heritage at Cologne (7.12.2022, 18:00)

Elisa Roßberger will present about “Indexing and linking ancient Mesopotamian images, people, and things for the Semantic Web. The ‘Annotated Corpus of Ancient West Asian Imagery: Cylinder Seals’” within the Colloquium in Digital Cultural Heritage at the Universität zu Köln. The Kolloquium is organized by: Prof. Dr. Øyvind Eide and Prof. Dr. Eleftheria PaliouMaster Informationsverarbeitung […]

1 2 Take 2: Hear about our work at the 66e Recontre Assyriologique Internationale (Mainz/online, 28.7.22, 9.00 and 9.30 am CEST)

ACAWAI-CS will present its work in two papers at the 66e Recontre Assyriologique Internationale KulturKontaktKultur (“Cultural Contact – Cultures of Contact“). The annual conference of the International Association for Assyriology (IAA) is organized this year by Goethe University Frankfurt and the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The hybrid meeting will take place from July 25 to […]

1 2 Projektvorstellung in der AG “Objekte.Digitalität.Hochschulen” (15.7.22)

Am Freitag, den 15.7.22 stellt Elisa Roßberger die Arbeiten der letzten 1,5 Jahren im ACAWAI-CS Projekt in der Arbeitsgruppe “Objekte. Digitalität. Hochschulen” in der Sektion „Kuratierung von Daten, Normdaten, Linked Open Data und Ontologien“ vor. Beginn ist um 14h mit einem kurzen Vortrag und anschließender Diskussion. Dabei wird vor allem die digitale Infrastruktur des Projekts […]

1 2 JMU Arbeitskreis Digitale Editionen: Projektvorstellung

Der Arbeitskreis Digitale Editionen des Zentrums für Philologie und Digitalität trifft sich regelmäßig zum Austausch über laufende Projekte an der Philosophischen Fakultät der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. In der Sitzung im Januar 2022 stellte Elisa Roßberger das ACAWAI-CS Projekt vor. Wir danken für den regen Austausch und freuen uns auf zukünftige Zusammenarbeit!

1 2 Assyriological Digital Prosopography Group: ACAWAI-CS project presentation

How to sort all these names & people who survive in the cuneiform record of ancient Western Asia? And what solutions does the ‘digital age’ provide for this challenge? The Digital Prosopograpy* Group tries to find answers and develop sustainable strategies to do that. ACAWAI-CS needs to deal with the dense network created by the […]

1 2 ACAWAI-CS moves to Würzburg

After a successful first year at LMU Munich, the project will continue at JMU Würzburg from 1st November 2021 onwards! For more information visit the project website at the Chair of Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.

1 2 ACAWAI-CS project presentation zum NFDI4Culture Community Kick-off: Digitalisierung für die Wissenschaft

Elisa Roßberger presented the ACAWAI-CS project as one out of four ‘inspirational talks’ at the “Digitalisierung für die Wissenschaft in NFDI4Culture — Community Kick-off” virtual event. Almost 150 people participated. We received a lot of interest for what we do and a lot of helpful input for how we could move further. Thanks to the […]

1 2 Visit to the Staatliche Münzsammlung München

In August 2021, the ACAWAI-CS project team spent a wonderful morning at the famous collection of the Staatliche Münzsammlung München. Among tens of thousands of coins, the collection houses a number of ancient Near Eastern cylinder and stamp seals. Most of them were published by Ursula Moortgat-Correns (1955: „Altorientalische Rollsiegel in der staatlichen Münzsammlung München“, […]

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